In Dopod C720W select >>...
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Password : indosat@durasi
Reverse Osmosis Grosir Indonesia
*Reverse Osmosis Grosir Indonesia*, air minum *reverse osmosis*, air
mineral, reverse osmosis rumah tangga, *RO Grosir*, *Isi ulang air minum*
ultra filter...
13 years ago
hi..udah dicoba ga bisa setting gprs.. ada pop up error bilang the connection has been terminated by third party.. kenapa ya?
eh sori.. tulisannya the remote party has ended this connection.. bingung nih..udah ke gerai indosat juga ga ada yg bisa activate gprs c720w ku nih
emm, kartu Isatnya dah aktifasi gprs belum??
Kl blm, coba aktifasi dl trs br coba setting lg..
Skedar info ajjah, 3-4 hr kmrn Isat di daerahku (CRB) smpt eror (ga tw knp)..
Ow yah,, coba deh stting OTA, caranya:
ketik: s(spasi)dopod(spasi)c720w
trus kirim ke 3000
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